88th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook Until 2022 – New Challenges for European Construction After 2020. Country Reports

  • Euroconstruct

The latest European construction market forecasts – presented at the 88th Euroconstruct conference – show only weak construction growth over the period 2020 to 2022. Regional differences remain strong: while Eastern European countries continue their expansion, countries like Finland and Germany have peaked already and expect negative rates in the future. In France, Sweden and Switzerland, the construction market is forecasted to stagnate over the next years. The Euroconstruct Country Report provides detailed information about the construction market trends and its fundamentals in each of the 19 Euroconstruct member countries until 2022. The forecasts and analyses are presented on the country level and are based on a comparable harmonised dataset for the major construction sectors and indicators. The macroeconomic framework conditions are included additionally. – With contributions by Anders Bjerre, Christian Brander, Paul Donadieu de Lavit, Ludwig Dorffmeister, Antonio Coimbra, Josep Ramon Fontana, David Frič, Anne Kathrin Funk, Anna Gáspár, Paul Groot, Annette Hughes, Radovan Kostelník, Nathalie Kouassi, Michael Klien, Vladimir Lenko, Sonya Patel, Jean-Pierre Liebaert, Nejra Macic, Pascal Marlier, Renaud Muller, Valentin, Nicaise, Mattias Pettersson, Markku Riihimäki, Radislav Semenov, Mariusz Sochacki, Antonella Stemperini, Michael Weingärtler.