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Options for Revenue-based Fiscal Consolidation
Austrian Economic Quarterly, 2010, 15(2), S.231-244
Measures targeted at the revenue side of the budget can contribute between € 10 and € 28 billion to the consolidation of public finances. This total amount could be reached without harming the economy via an increase of excise taxes, an enhanced taxation of wealth and the abolition of tax exemptions, which have undesired economic effects, as well as the privatisation of selected government shareholdings.
Keywords:budget consolidation, taxes and levies, growth effects, employment effects
Forschungsbereich:Industrie-, Innovations- und internationale Ökonomie

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Tamara Fellinger

Tätigkeitsbereiche: Redaktion, Website, Publikationen, Abonnentenbetreuung

Tatjana Weber

Tätigkeitsbereiche: Redaktion, Website, Publikationen, Abonnentenbetreuung