
FIW Workshop: An Industrial Renaissance in Europe – Can it happen? Should it happen?

Hauptveranstaltung: FIW Workshop: An Industrial Renaissance in Europe – Can it happen? Should it happen?
Veranstalter: Kompetenzzentrum "Forschungsschwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaft", Wiener Institut für internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
Personen: WIFO
Sprache: Deutsch
There are increasing concerns about the "decline" of manufacturing in large parts of Europe. Many arguments have been put forward why a thriving manufacturing sector is a prerequisite for any economy aiming for high growth and employment rates. For adherents of the view that manufacturing has a pivotal role in the economy the question arises whether some of the trends are reversible. On the other hand, there is also the view that manufacturing may not be so different from other parts of the economy and that it does not matter what a country produces but how it produces. The workshop will discuss the trends in manufacturing performance in different parts of Europe, including Germany and Central and Eastern European member countries. The issue of regional diversification will be tackled exemplified by the Swedish case. Furthermore, the workshop will enter the controversial debate on the role of industrial policy focussing on the "Smart Specialisation" approach and other recent developments. This is followed by some quantitative evidence on the effects of state aid and innovation support in Europe. Prominent international experts on the role of manufacturing and of industrial policy will be amongst the speakers in this workshop.