Competitiveness Radar

The WIFO Radar summarises the competitiveness of the Austrian economy in comparison with around 30 European countries for 24 selected performance indicators. For each indicator, the relative position of a country is normalised to the respective percentile rank (PR) , which indicates the share of all countries with equal or less favourable values. All indicators are sorted such that a higher percentile rank corresponds to a higher competitiveness.

The WIFO Radar allows the interactive selection of countries and years. Moving the mouse over the axes or the grid shows the corresponding definitions, sources and values for the selected data series. See WIFO's latest annual report on the competitiveness radar for more detailed explanations and interpretations of the results

The following chart shows the real effective exchange rate index and it will be updated monthly. The real effective exchange rate index shows the development of price competitiveness for Austrian exports. The index includes the currencies of the most important trading partners. In addition, the development of relative consumer prices between Austria and the partner countries is taken into account. An appreciation of the euro or stronger inflation in Austria relative to the partner countries increases the index (deterioration of competitiveness); and a depreciation of the euro or weaker price inflation in Austria relative to partner countries decreases the index (improvement of competitiveness). The chart also allows a regional assessment of the dynamics relative to individual countries or regions, which can be added to the chart. If the regional subindex is above the overall index, Austria has appreciated relative to that country/region (deterioration of competitiveness). If the regional subindex is below the overall index, Austria has depreciated (improved competitiveness) relative to this country/region. 1

1) Url, T., Vondra, K., & Glauninger, U. (2021). Exchange rate index update for Austria shows lower effective appreciation than previously measured. Monetary Policy & the Economy, (Q4/21), 13-41.