WIFO Economic Outlook

The analysis and forecast of the business cycle is a core competence of WIFO. The series "WIFO Economic Outlook" presents the quarterly economic forecast, which focuses on the current and next year. The economic outlook is based on WIFO's Flash Estimates of the Quarterly National Accounts and the results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle survey in cooperation with the European Commission) as well as short-term estimates of economic development based on high-frequency economic indicators, such as the Weekly WIFO Economic Index (WWWI).

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Konjunkturerholung verzögert sich. Prognose für 2023 bis 2025 (Economic Recovery Delayed. Economic Outlook for 2023 to 2025)
WIFO Economic Outlook (German version), 2023, (4), 32 pages
Online since: 21.12.2023 10:00
Die österreichische Wirtschaft schrumpft 2023 um 0,8%. Gesunkene Realeinkommen infolge der hohen Inflation und eine weltweite Schwäche der Industrie belasten die Wirtschaftsent-wicklung. Die Industrieproduktion erholt sich in Österreich verzögert, wodurch das BIP 2024 nur um 0,9% zulegen wird. 2025 dürfte das BIP-Wachstum 2% betragen. Die Inflation sinkt 2024 auf 4% und 2025 auf etwa 3%. Die Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt wird sich nur vorüber-gehend eintrüben.
Research group:Macroeconomics and Public Finance

Economic Recovery Delayed. Economic Outlook for 2023 to 2025
The Austrian economy will contract by 0.8 percent in 2023. Lower real incomes as a result of high inflation and global weakness in industry are weighing on economic development. The recovery of industrial production in Austria will be delayed, so that GDP will only grow by 0.9 percent in 2024. GDP growth is expected to reach 2 percent in 2025. Inflation will fall to 4 percent in 2024 and to around 3 percent in 2025. The labour market will deteriorate only temporarily.

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