WIFO Economic Outlook

The analysis and forecast of the business cycle is a core competence of WIFO. The series "WIFO Economic Outlook" presents the quarterly economic forecast, which focuses on the current and next year. The economic outlook is based on WIFO's Flash Estimates of the Quarterly National Accounts and the results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle survey in cooperation with the European Commission) as well as short-term estimates of economic development based on high-frequency economic indicators, such as the Weekly WIFO Economic Index (WWWI).

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Kaufkraft steigt nach milder Rezession. Prognose für 2023 und 2024 (Purchasing Power Increases After Mild Recession. Economic Outlook for 2023 and 2024)
WIFO Economic Outlook (German version), 2023, (3), 33 pages
Online since: 06.10.2023 10:00
Eine gedämpfte Kaufkraft, hohe Energiepreise und starke Zinssteigerungen führen 2023 zu einer milden Rezession in Österreich; das reale BIP dürfte um 0,8% schrumpfen. 2024 sorgen kräftige Realeinkommenszuwächse und ein Anziehen des Welthandels für eine Konjunkturerholung (BIP real +1,2%). Im Bauwesen wird sich die Rezession hingegen verstärken.
Research group:Macroeconomics and Public Finance

Purchasing Power Increases After Mild Recession. Economic Outlook for 2023 and 2024
Subdued purchasing power, high energy prices and sharp interest rate increases lead to a mild recession in Austria in 2023; real GDP is expected to contract by 0.8 percent. In 2024, strong real income growth and a pick-up in world trade will ensure an economic recovery (real GDP +1.2 percent). In construction, however, the recession will intensify.

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