
The WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle survey) is a monthly survey of Austrian companies on their economic situation and its development in the coming months. The results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest help to reliably assess the economic development in Austria at an early stage. The WIFO-Konjunkturtest has been conducted since 1954 and has been part of the "Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys" since 1996.

Further information on the WIFO-Konjunkturtest can be found here.

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Konjunktureinschätzungen verbessern sich merklich. Ergebnisse des WIFO-Konjunkturtests vom April 2021 (Economic Sentiment Improves Noticeably. Results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (Business Cycle Survey) of April 2021)
WIFO Business Cycle Survey, 2021, (4), 12 pages
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Economic and Social Science Computing Center
Commissioned by: European Commission
Online since: 29.04.2021 0:00
Die Stimmung unter den österreichischen Unternehmen verbesserte sich im April. Der WIFO-Konjunkturklimaindex notierte mit 11,7 Punkten (saisonbereinigt) erstmals seit März 2020 im positiven Bereich und verbesserte sich deutlich zum Vormonat (+15,3 Punkte). Die Einschätzungen der aktuellen Geschäftslage fielen merklich positiver aus. Nur in den von den Einschränkungen stark betroffenen Branchen blieben die Konjunktureinschätzungen skeptisch. Auch die Konjunkturerwartungen der Unternehmen wurden deutlich zuversichtlicher. Die Unternehmen berichten aber auch von Materialengpässen als wichtigstem Produktionshemmnis.
Research group:Industrial, Innovation and International Economics – Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis

Economic Sentiment Improves Noticeably. Results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (Business Cycle Survey) of April 2021
The mood among Austrian companies improved in April. At 11.7 points (seasonally adjusted), the WIFO Business Climate Index was in positive territory for the first time since March 2020 and improved significantly compared to the previous month (+15.3 points). Assessments of the current business situation were noticeably more positive. Only in the sectors severely affected by the restrictions the economic assessments remained sceptical. Companies' economic expectations also became much more confident. However, the companies also report material bottlenecks as the most important obstacle to production.