Employment and Income Careers in Austria

A Comparison of the Development of Four Birth Cohorts Since the 1970s

In the present study, the employment careers of four birth cohorts were compared at intervals of 10 years each, for which substantial parts of the employment careers from the potential labour market entry at age 15 are available from the data of the Federation of Social Insurances (Dachverband der Sozialversicherungsträger): the 1958, 1968, 1978 and 1988 birth cohorts. In this context, it is evident that higher qualifications result in a later entry into the labour market. It is increasingly difficult for low-skilled workers to integrate into the labour force as their periods of employment decline and their periods of unemployment increase. The share of persons with a stable employment history has increased slightly for men and significantly for women. A stable employment history in the prime working age is already reflected in higher employment periods and lower unemployment periods up to the age of 30. However, the earned incomes (specific to education and age) decline in a generational comparison: younger cohorts tend to earn less than older cohorts.