WIFO-Monatsberichte, no 4/2019

Stefan Schiman, Economy Set to Stabilise from Mid-2019. Economic Outlook for 2019 and 2020 • Angelina Keil, Calendar of Economic Events. Fourth Quarter of 2018 • Josef Baumgartner, Serguei Kaniovski, Hans Pitlik, Update of the Medium-term Forecast of the Austrian Economy 2019 to 2023 • Sandra Bilek-Steindl, Josef Baumgartner, Jürgen Bierbaumer-Polly, Julia Bock-Schappelwein, Elisabeth Christen, Rainer Eppel, Oliver Fritz, Werner Hölzl, Ulrike Huemer, Michael Klien, Thomas Leoni, Christine Mayrhuber, Atanas Pekanov, Michael Peneder, Philipp Piribauer, Stefan Schiman, Franz Sinabell, Strong Growth in 2018 – Industrial Activity Weakens at a High Level. Austria's Economy 2018