Foreign Trade Strategy

Final Report on the Monitoring of the Foreign Trade Strategy

This complete volume of the final report summarises the results of an extensive monitoring process of the Austrian foreign trade strategy. It is an analysis that encompasses as many perspectives on the Austrian external economy as possible. For this purpose, not only the more than 60 measures, which were developed within the framework of the original process in 2018, were examined with regard to their implementation, but also the experienced effects on entrepreneurial practice were reflected with addressees in the private sector. Since the external economy cannot operate in isolation from the international context, this qualitative monitoring is embedded in a comparative quantitative analysis of a broad range of relevant indicators. Accordingly, the monitoring process comprised the following cornerstones, which are presented in detail by EDELWEISS CONSULTING GmbH (EWC) on the one hand and by the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) on the other hand in the two sub-studies of this complete volume of the final report: implementation and target monitoring at the measure level (by EWC) and performance and target monitoring at the macroeconomic level (by WIFO).