A Tourism Satellite Account for Austria. Methodology, Results and Forecast for the Years 2000 to 2007 – Summary

  • Peter Laimer (STAT)
  • Egon Smeral (WIFO)

Tourism satellite accounts (TSAs) are used to record and analyse tourism as an economic phenomenon in combination with the national accounting system and other economic statistics. The national accounts provide the frame and integration pattern. Nevertheless, the TSA is more than just a subsystem of the national accounts, especially because it can include other important data as required, including employment and investment. The TSA concept provides for a basic breakdown in "tourism-specific", "tourism-related" and "non-tourism-specific" production. Altogether, the tourism industry (direct and indirect value added) contributed 8.8 percent to the GDP in 2005, a share that should be about 8.7 percent for 2006 and 2007.