Calendar of Economic Events. Third Quarter 2015

  • Angelina Keil

Greeks reject the reforms and austerity measures requested by the donor institutions as a prerequisite for prolonging the second bail-out package. Grexit, i.e., Greece exiting from the currency union, is clearly on the cards. The country's government applies for a new batch of financial aid from the ESM, accepting the demand for reforms and austerity measures. The EU approves € 86 billion in aid for Greece. It dedicates € 1 billion to abating and controlling the migrant waves at Europe's external borders. Up to 15,000 refugees per day arrive in Austria via the "Balkans route". Most of them intend to continue on to Germany to seek asylum there. A settlement is reached between the Republic of Austria and BayernLB in the suit dealing with loans to Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International AG. The Constitutional Court finds the Act governing Hypo reorganisation to be unconstitutional.