Expert opinion on the Annual Program of the ERP With a Focus on "Innovative Gazelles"

Businesses which grow incredibly quickly ("Gazelles") make an important contribution to the dynamics of an economy and especially to the creation of new jobs and to the spread of new technology. The analysis of the economic importance of "Gazelles" addresses the economic reasons to support these businesses as well as the reasons which speak against any such support. This analysis shows that general supportive measures cannot be economically justified. Any policies which are aimed at "Gazelles" should rather concentrate on creating an economic environment in which the growth of these businesses can be sustainably supported as well as on directing existing support to businesses which are growing. This view is confirmed from an overview of the policies fostering innovative "Gazelles" in Europe. The AWS programmes are very much orientated towards business growth. However it must be said that directing support to small and medium sized firms does not necessarily mean you are per se supporting a "Gazelle". Therefore two possibilities are presented to bring these innovative and quickly expanding companies more strongly to the fore.