FAMO – Monitoring of Skilled Workers. Regular Assessment on the Supply of and Demand for Skilled Workers in the Border Region Between Austria and Slovakia. FAMO I: Migration and Commuter Potential in Vienna and the Slovakian Border Region with Austria

The results of an investigation into the migration and commuter potential in Vienna and the Slovakian CENTROPE region of Bratislava and Trnava shows a clear fall in the mobility potential since the EU accession of Slovakia. The investigation was based on interviews carried out in three waves between November 2004 and January 2009. However, the investigation did show that there was a relatively time invariant concrete willingness to commute or migrate. This is true for potential migration coming into Vienna as well as that leaving Vienna for other countries. If you compare those people who are potentially mobile with the general population of the Slovakian CENTROPE region, their level of training and education is neither a positive nor negative selection factor. However the potential migration stream into Austria has a slightly lower level of qualification as compared with the migration stream out of Austria into other countries. Nevertheless the level of qualification is not that much lower than that of the Vienna population of working age.