Identification and Analysis of Climate Counterproductive Subsidies at Federal and Provincial Level

  • Project team member:
  • Angela Köppl (WIFO)
  • Sabine Kirchmayr-Schliesselberger
  • Stella Müller
  • Alexander Rimböck
  • Thomas Voit (University of Vienna, Department of Financial Law)
  • Martino Heher
  • Reinhard Schanda (Sattler & Schanda Rechtsanwälte)

Discussions on the identification and reform of subsidy measures with negative climate effects have been going on for some time at the international level and in the scientific field. Such subsidies counteract climate protection efforts, contradict the polluter-pays principle and reinforce market distortions. The study examines which subsidies with potentially negative climate effects play a role in Austria. Based on a literature review of international analyses, the study focuses on the analysis of direct subsidies or fiscal measures (indirect subsidies) of the federal government in the fields of energy production and use, transport and agriculture. In addition, relevant regulatory frameworks that have a subsidy character are examined. An initial stocktaking is carried out for the subsidy measures of the federal states.