
WIFO Publishes Annual Report 2022

Video: Economic Research with Impact
The latest Annual Report of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research was published on 24 February 2023 and is now also available in digital form. "WIFO repeatedly proved its worth in the crisis year of 2022, successfully fulfilling its task of providing policymakers and society with orientation in difficult times", said WIFO Director Gabriel Felbermayr.

"Climate change, war and a pandemic – in the face of multiple crises, the excellent research activities of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research provide significant benefits for our society", stated the Institute's Presidium, consisting of Harald Mahrer, Renate Anderl and Ingrid Kubin, in a joint foreword.

Through research, economic policy advice and communication of the highest quality, WIFO was particularly successful in 2022 in its specific strategic goal of building a bridge between academic research and policy application. "In 2022, we fundamentally revised our strategy. For example, internationalisation is to be pursued even more intensively in the future. To underline this, the 2022 Annual Report will once again be published bilingually in German and English", emphasised the Deputy Director responsible for External Relations, Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger.