
Sources of Corporate Financing in Austria

WIFO researcher Thomas Url presents corporate finance study in press conference with Aktienforum and Industriellenvereinigung.
In a joint press conference with the Aktienforum and the Industriellenvereinigung, WIFO economist Thomas Url presented the results of a WIFO study on the most important instruments for corporate financing and alternative forms of financing.

The external financing of Austrian non-financial enterprises is mainly carried out through equity and loans. The study by WIFO researchers Klaus Friesenbichler, Werner Hölzl and Thomas Url adds an estimate of the scope of subsidised or alternative forms of financing to the economic financial accounts, thus for the first time providing a better assessment of their significance for corporate financing in Austria. In the area of debt capital, subsidised loans and crowdlending together provide 0.3 percent of the balance sheet total or 2.4 billion €. Business angels, crowd investing, venture capital and private equity are all part of equity and together account for 0.3 percent of the balance sheet total. Following the removal of legal obstacles to the listing of smaller growth companies on the Third Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, economic policy plans to improve the internal financing power by reducing the corporate income tax rate.

To the press release of Aktienforum and Industriellenvereinigung

Finalization: February 2019
Contractor project: Österreichischer Verband für Aktien-Emittenten und -Investoren