
"Reducing Dependence on Russian Gas, Now!"

FAZ: Op-ed by WIFO Director Gabriel Felbermayr and Co-Authors
Adopting contingency plans that only take effect when there is a shortage is not enough, according to Gabriel Felbermayr (WIFO), Christian Bayer (University of Bonn), Martin Hellwig (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods) and Achim Wambach (ZEW). In an opinion piece in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on 21 April 2022, they explain that every kilowatt-hour of gas saved now mitigates the potential rigors of a later embargo.

The German government must provide incentives. Of course, this demand also applies to Austria. Both countries are facing a new energy policy challenge. In addition to combating climate change, the issue now, in connection with the Ukraine war, is the shortage of coal, oil and, above all, gas. Prices for fossil fuels, especially natural gas, are already much higher than they were a year ago.

At the same time, we were lucky that February was warmer than average and stormy. As a result, heating consumption was relatively low this month and wind power production was high. Without this special development, the stocks in the gas storage facilities might not have been sufficient. Their levels have fallen since the beginning of 2021, partly because companies speculated on a drop in prices, and partly because Russia's Gazprom has not filled its Rehden storage facility, Germany's largest, at all since spring 2021.

You can read the full guest article here (in German).