
"ReConstruct: Building the Future"

Expert Panel with Swedish researchers from Mistra Carbon Exit
In cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, the research platform ReConstruct, which is supported by WIFO, hosted an expert discussion with partners from the Swedish research initiative Mistra Carbon Exit on 19 and 20 October 2023. The topic of the workshop was best practice examples as a guide to construction and building in the future.

In addition to the impulses from Austria on the question of which concepts for existing and new buildings are sustainable, the exchange with partners from Sweden on the Mistra Carbon Exit research initiative was particularly informative. Mistra is a Swedish foundation for strategic environmental research that finances the Carbon Exit research programme. Among other things, the Swedish partners presented results with a potential of greenhouse gas savings of up to 50 percent through already available technologies along the supply chains of buildings.

Austria, on the other hand, is very committed to innovations in existing buildings and new building concepts, ranging from building materials to urban developments with highly integrated and scaled-up energy systems.

ReConstruct is an international research platform supported by the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), the Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels and the Wegener Center of the University of Graz with the support of the Fachverband Steine-Keramik in Graz.

For more information on the event, please visit https://www.rethinkconstruction.net/.