
Knowledge Flows in Global Supply Chains

RETHINK-GSC: WIFO Participates in a European Research Consortium
The EU Horizon research project "Rethinking Global Supply Chains: measurement, impact and policy" (RETHINK-GSC) started on the 4th and 5th of October in Kiel, Germany. The aim of the project is to analyse the impact of changing supply chains on society.

More specifically, RETHINK-GSC studies the role of knowledge flows in the performance and dynamics of international production networks. The pan-European project team is developing and using new indicators and databases that quantify the increasing importance of intangible goods and services. The research team thus uses innovative methods to assess international supply chains in terms of their competitiveness.

The research project is being carried out by a European consortium led by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel). The project is supported by EU funds under the competitive Horizon Europe programme.

WIFO researchers will collaborate on several research questions: What is the link between geopolitical trends and developments in global value chains? How do knowledge flows within supply chains in different countries and different industries? What impact did shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the Russian war on Ukraine have on trade and knowledge flows within production networks?

For more information about the project, please click here.