
WWWforEurope Lecture Series: Winning Strategies for a Sustainable Future

Main event: WWWforEurope Lecture Series: Winning Strategies for a Sustainable Future
Organised by: Project team WWWforEurope
Persons: Armando Garcia-Schmidt
Language: Englisch
Looking at the sheer number of so-called sustainability strategies that have emerged in recent years, the post-Rio process appears to be a success. In 2009, the United Nations identified 106 national sustainability strategies. However, the character and quality of these strategies vary considerably. How can sustainable development be made a guiding principle for political activity? The Reinhard Mohn Prize 2013's global analysis, "Winning Strategies for a Sustainable Future", found five inspiring examples of the successful implementation of sustainability strategies in countries and regions as varied as Bhutan, Costa Rica, Finland, Ghana and Tasmania. As different as these cases are, their approaches and solutions are both notable and worthy of emulation. They hold the potential of providing new impetus to the development of sustainability policies in other countries.