Report on the Impact, Development and Structure of the Austrian Tourism Industry 2019

Based on calculations following the Tourism Satellite Account concept, in 2019 total tourism consumption of domestic and foreign visitors in Austria amounted to 38.1 billion € (estimate; +2.9 percent compared to 2018), resulting in direct and indirect value-added effects of 29.2 billion € (+2.9 percent) and a contribution to the overall GDP of 7.3 percent. Furthermore, employment estimates resulted in 311,600 full-time equivalents (FTE based on employees and self-employed persons) which are directly and indirectly linked to the tourism economy. This corresponds to a share of 7.8 percent in total employment (FTE). In 2019, Austria's balance in international travel according to the current account in nominal terms expanded by 10.2 billion € (+9.4 percent), with exports growing stronger than imports (by +5.4 percent and +2.2 percent, respectively; including international transport). Austria's market share in nominal tourism exports of the EU 28 in 2019 remained at 4.8 percent; Austria is thus still ranked 6.