Report on the Impact, Development and Structure of the Austrian Tourism and Leisure Industry 2017

  • Oliver Fritz (WIFO)
  • Peter Laimer
  • Jürgen Weiß (STAT)
  • Egon Smeral (WIFO)

According to the Tourism Satellite Account concept, in 2017 total tourism consumption of domestic and foreign visitors in Austria amounted to 41.64 billion € (estimate; +3.6 percent compared to 2016), resulting in direct and indirect value-added effects of 32.25 billion € (+3.3 percent) and a contribution to the overall GDP of 8.7 percent. In 2017 both, tourism consumption and non-tourism expenditures on leisure activities by residents generated total value-added effects of 58.82 billion € (+4.2 percent from previous year) corresponding to a share of 15.9 percent in GDP (2016: 16.0 percent). Furthermore, 719,300 Austrian employees and self-employed (in terms of full-time equivalents – FTE) are directly and indirectly linked to the tourism and leisure economy, implying that nearly 1 out of 5 employed (FTE) works in the tourism and leisure sector. In 2017, Austria's real tourism receipts from international travel increased only weakly by 0.8 percent (2016 +1.1 percent), domestic tourism receipts stagnated (+0.2 percent) after a rise by 1.9 percent in 2016. In total, real tourism receipts rose by 0.7 percent (2016 +1.3 percent). In 2017, as well as compared to a 5-year period, Austria's market share in nominal tourism exports of the EU 28 amounted to 5.0 percent (rank 6; 2016: 5,1 percent), still 0.5 percentage point below the record market share of the year 2009, but above the all-time low of 4.8 in the year 2000.