
WIFO Publishes Annual Report 2019

"Enabling Evidence-based Decision-making"
The latest annual report of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research was published on 12 March 2020 and is now also available in digital form. It underlines not only the quality and diversity of the economic expertise, but also the public value of the numerous activities and publications of the Institute in the reporting year 2019.

WIFO's economists pursue the common goal of helping to overcome socio-economic challenges and supporting evidence-based decision-making by building bridges between theory, empirical facts and policies.

"The more visible our research results are made, the sooner they will find their way into social discourses and processes. This idea is also the basis of this annual report. After all, we are convinced that evidence-based research is one of the most important prerequisites for the quality of political decisions", says WIFO Director Christoph Badelt on the occasion of the publication of the report.