Business Cycles and Forecasting

National and Regional Accounts
In Austria, Statistics Austria is responsible for national publications and the fulfilment of EU data supply obligations in the context of National Accounts. Beyond these requirements, WIFO provides accelerated reporting for quarterly GDP and preliminary estimates of regional value added as part of flash estimates. Moreover, WIFO has extensive knowledge of the system and methodology of National Accounts, which is in demand both nationally and internationally.

Quarterly National Accounts

WIFO has been calculating the Flash Estimates of the Quarterly National Accounts for Austria on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Finance for many years. They are published 30 days after the end of a quarter; these data are already transmitted to Eurostat, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Statistics Austria and the Federal Ministry of Finance the day before. 60 days after the end of a quarter, the results of the more comprehensive regular Quarterly National Accounts are published by Statistics Austria.

Regional Accounts

Twice a year, WIFO calculates Flash Estimates concerning the development of the federal provinces' real gross value added on behalf of the City of Vienna. In December estimates are made for the first half of the year, in May for the past year. Statistics Austria publishes more detailed annual data for the past year in December.

Press release
Die Wirtschaft in den Bundesländern im III. Quartal 2023
Finalization: February 2024
Press release
Die Wirtschaft in den Bundesländern im II. Quartal 2023
Finalization: December 2023
Press release
Regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung im Frühjahr 2023
Finalization: September 2023
Press release
Die Wirtschaft in den Bundesländern 2022
Finalization: July 2023
Press release
Die Wirtschaft in den Bundesländern im III. Quartal 2023
Finalization: February 2024
Press release
Die Wirtschaft in den Bundesländern im II. Quartal 2023
Finalization: December 2023
Press release
Regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung im Frühjahr 2023
Finalization: September 2023
Press release
Die Wirtschaft in den Bundesländern 2022
Finalization: July 2023

Methods and quality evaluation

Up-to-date key figures on the economy