A Tourism Satellite Account for Austria. Methods, Results and Forecasts for 2000-2013

  • Peter Laimer (STAT)
  • Egon Smeral (WIFO)

Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSAs) are used to perceive and analyse the tourism industry as an economic phenomenon in the context of the national accounts and other business statistics, using the national accounts as a framework and integration pattern. Yet, a TSA is more than just a subsystem of the national accounts, especially since it can incorporate additional information such as employment and investment whenever required. The TSA concept provides for tourism-specific, tourism-related and non-tourism-specific production. In 2011, the tourism industry as a whole (direct and indirect value added) contributed 7.3 percent to Austrian GDP according to the value-adding multipliers of the input-output analysis. This figure appears to have increased to 7.4 percent in 2012 and is expected to remain stable in 2013. The direct and indirect effects of tourism contributed 9.4 percent to overall employment (workers in terms of full-time equivalents) in 2011.